giovedì 6 dicembre 2018

Loom technique with Delica Miyuki 11/0 - Pattern Frida Inspiration 507 - Retouched byhand - Larghezza cm 4,746 x Lunghezza 17,500 - Colonne 35 x Righe 100 - 31 colors - 1 file in pdf format with the scheme for processing, the list of beads to be used and the description of each lap performed - THIS PDF PATTERN DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: COLOR IMAGE OF THE PATTERN CUSTOM BEAD LEGEND; shows the bead color, the Miyuki Delica seed bead size 11/0 color code and exact number of beads needed of each color - LARGE COLOR BEAD GRAPH; shows each bead marked with a letter matching the Bead Legend WORD CHART OF THE PATTERN It is not necessary to know the language Difficulty: medium / easy

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